Saturday, September 5, 2015

Choosing Jesus

     Hello again everyone!  So something that the Lord has really been teaching me these past couple weeks is the importance of choosing Him.  To be completely honest, I had this idea that when I got over here my relationship with Jesus would magically become so intimate and sweet.  And while I have definitely experienced a stronger dependence on the Lord, I still have to choose Jesus.
    You see, since I arrived in El Salvador, I have felt the Lord drawing me to Himself constantly, which is so amazing!  I'm so hungry for Him.  I'm desperate for Him to fill and satisfy me when I'm drained.  But reader, just as the Lord is working in my heart to draw me closer to Himself, there is also an enemy that is doing everything to drag me away from my Savior.  He tells me lies and offers other things to quench the longing in my soul.  He wants me to think that I'm not actually desiring the Lord, but instead a great cup of coffee, a peaceful song, or the praise of man.  And I'm not going to lie, I so often believe this and in turn, act accordingly.  I forsake more time with my King and choose to use that time to seek satisfaction in other things. But guess what! None of these things satisfy me.
    There is only one thing that will revive me, and that is Jesus.  It will always only be Jesus.  Friend, you will be told lies.  You will be offered alternative satisfaction in worldly things.  These things may not even be necessarily bad such as, love, time with friends, or charity work.  But when you believe that these things are able to sustain you, look out!  You have been deceived.
    I truly cannot say it enough.  Jesus is the only answer to that hunger and longing you feel deep in your soul.  No person, drink, social status will ever be able to satisfy you. Ever.  We are designed to long for Jesus, but the enemy has succeeded in making us believe that we can substitute other things. Don't believe the lies.
    "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (Mathew 4:14)
    I will choose Jesus when I am empty.  I will not believe the lies that a makeover, a man, or a cappuccino will satisfy me.  Because trust me, they will not.  I will choose to run to my savior when I feel that longing deep in my soul.  Oh reader, choose Him too!  He is so good, and holy, and loving!  Run to Him; you will not be disappointed!


  1. Hi Emi girl. Before you left you asked me to pray that you wouldn't be distracted from the purpose of your mission. We talked at the time about the ways that distractions would present themselves. I have been praying specifically about the things we spoke about, but now i need to include a good coup of joe :) I saw a post on Facebook this week that was so full of truth that I reposted it (Yes, I figured out how to share a post :) This is what it said..."the devil doesn't come to you with a red face and horns, he comes to you disguised as everything you've ever wanted." Keeping leaning on Jesus sweet girl. You may not have the boy, the delicious cup of creamy coffee or a hot shower, but you will be more joyful than most. We love you tremendously!

  2. Stay strong in the Lord and he will give you strength. Our blessing come in many forms but remember always. There's NOTHING that Jeaus and a GREAT cup of coffee can't fix. I loved seeing your home and how and where you are living.
