Saturday, September 12, 2015

He is Victorious!

So this past week, I was sitting at the dinner table with my team and I felt the Lord calling me to Himself.  And just so you know, when you feel the Lord calling you away, you IMMEDIATELY go, because that means something amazing is going to happen (that's a whole other blog post in itself)! So anyways, I grabbed my bible, music, and noise canceling headphones and climbed onto the roof.  At this point it's dark outside and I'm looking out at San Salvador.  During the day you can see the volcano, but at that hour, all I could see were the lights from the houses making their way towards the skies and eventually fading into the clouds.  It was truly beautiful.  The breeze was playing on my skin causing little goose bumps to spring up all over my body.  I put on my headphones, turned on some worship music, and opened up my bible. I flipped to Mathew 28 which is about the resurrection of Jesus.

Stop here.  Open your bible.  And Read Mathew 28.
 Friend, I have read this passage countless times, but these words seemed to be speaking directly to my heart.  As my soul feasted on the words, I was filled with a supernatural passion that only God can give.  I read about my sweet Lord, who was brutally murdered for me, rising from the grave.  I read how the Angel told the women that Jesus had risen, and how Jesus met them as they were running to tell the others.  I read how upon seeing Jesus, the women fell to His feet and worshipped.    I read about how Jesus came before the disciples and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 
I reread this chapter over and over again.  I was and still am, amazed at the power of our God.  Reader, our God, our Jesus, our Redeemer, our King crushed the enemy.  He defeated death.  When He rose again, he destroyed the powers of Hell for the rest of eternity.  Our God is victorious
I looked out over San Salvador, a city that is full of drugs, death, and despair, and realized that no matter how dark this city may be, Jesus has the power to drive out the enemy.  He is in control.  He can redeem this city!  No matter how strong the enemy may seem, he has already lost.  Friend, Jesus won!  Hell stands no chance against our God!

I'm not just talking about in San Salvador.  I'm referring to your life as well.  No matter what your situation is, no matter what you're addicted to, no matter how strong the enemy seems, do not let him deceive you.  The enemy will tell you that there is no way out.  He will tell you that there is no hope. 

                                        But these are lies.  Jesus has already crushed him!
Hell is defeated because of Jesus's death on the cross and His resurrection.  What a King!  We belong to the Ultimate Victor.  And guess what.  That same power that defeated Hell, is inside of you if you have given your life to the Lord.  Can you imagine? The power the has destroyed death is in you, believer!

 This truth is what I will press into.  This is why I go when the Lord calls me to these places filled with darkness.  Living inside of me is the power that makes Hell flee.  This is why I will go where ever the Lord calls me. 

Note:  If you're anything like me, you are going to want to sing praises to our God after reading Mathew 28... So here are a couple of my favorite worship songs: He is Jesus by Seth Condrey; Worthy Worthy by Vertical Church Band.  Enjoy!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Choosing Jesus

     Hello again everyone!  So something that the Lord has really been teaching me these past couple weeks is the importance of choosing Him.  To be completely honest, I had this idea that when I got over here my relationship with Jesus would magically become so intimate and sweet.  And while I have definitely experienced a stronger dependence on the Lord, I still have to choose Jesus.
    You see, since I arrived in El Salvador, I have felt the Lord drawing me to Himself constantly, which is so amazing!  I'm so hungry for Him.  I'm desperate for Him to fill and satisfy me when I'm drained.  But reader, just as the Lord is working in my heart to draw me closer to Himself, there is also an enemy that is doing everything to drag me away from my Savior.  He tells me lies and offers other things to quench the longing in my soul.  He wants me to think that I'm not actually desiring the Lord, but instead a great cup of coffee, a peaceful song, or the praise of man.  And I'm not going to lie, I so often believe this and in turn, act accordingly.  I forsake more time with my King and choose to use that time to seek satisfaction in other things. But guess what! None of these things satisfy me.
    There is only one thing that will revive me, and that is Jesus.  It will always only be Jesus.  Friend, you will be told lies.  You will be offered alternative satisfaction in worldly things.  These things may not even be necessarily bad such as, love, time with friends, or charity work.  But when you believe that these things are able to sustain you, look out!  You have been deceived.
    I truly cannot say it enough.  Jesus is the only answer to that hunger and longing you feel deep in your soul.  No person, drink, social status will ever be able to satisfy you. Ever.  We are designed to long for Jesus, but the enemy has succeeded in making us believe that we can substitute other things. Don't believe the lies.
    "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (Mathew 4:14)
    I will choose Jesus when I am empty.  I will not believe the lies that a makeover, a man, or a cappuccino will satisfy me.  Because trust me, they will not.  I will choose to run to my savior when I feel that longing deep in my soul.  Oh reader, choose Him too!  He is so good, and holy, and loving!  Run to Him; you will not be disappointed!